1Picture by Clay Banks
In our Western, Euro-Centric culture, there are a number of myths that have been passed down for generations. For example, the myth surrounding the altruistic nature of the crusades. Or, the mythology surrounding the Middle Ages and the imperialistic bent of the European kingdoms during that time.
However, there is a myth that started a number of years ago that has captured the hearts and minds of white liberals, marxists, communists, and socialists. It has also caused many in the black community to remain in bondage to victimization.
What is that myth? Systemic Racism.
How is systemic racism a myth? In order to answer that question, we must first understand the definition of a myth.
A myth is defined as…
a widely held but false belief or idea
Using the definition of the word “myth” then we can clearly see that systemic racism is a widely held, but false belief or idea. Listening to any left leaning media outlet will be an exercise in how myths are inscribed in the minds of the unassuming.
These outlets specialize in spreading the false gospel of systemic racism. They do so without impunity because of the timidity of honest, hard working Americans. Instead of pushing back against the fake news being spread by these prophets of Baal, the truth holders cower in the corner. Thus, allowing these poison pills to infiltrate and pollute otherwise innocent minds.
What is systemic racism? It is the belief that everything in America has been infected with the disease of racism. Because slavery was an institution of the world at the time of America’s founding, America is inherently racist. And, anything that was created by the founding fathers is invalid and must be replaced.
2Picture by Alex Motoc
Yet, this is blatantly false. This myth ignores the fact that all throughout the founding of this nation, were the fingerprints of a divinely inspired origin. There were black patriots fighting alongside white patriots to establish this Republic. There were free black men before and after the Declaration of Independence.
They ignore the fact that not all residents of the Antebellum South owned slaves. At the highest end, only 5% of the free population in the confederacy owned slaves. Now, this number has been disputed. But, the point is this. We can’t paint all white people as racist. Similarly, we can’t describe all black people as victims.
However, the apostles of systemic racism choose to ignore the truth and peddle lies. They play on the guilt of white people and tap into a victim mindset that has permeated the black community.
Black achievement is threaded throughout the history of this nation. From George Washington Carver to Madame CJ Walker, one can go up and down the roll call of greats to see the achievements of black people in America.
The false prophets of systemic racism would even ignore the fact that Barack Obama was elected president, twice. To them, successful black people are the anomaly.
I beg to differ. I grew up in a single-parent household. My mom had to work two jobs for us to stay in our house. Yet, by the grace of God, we did not become another statistic. Faith in God was the catalyst to pull us out of a dire situation and into His plan of prosperity.
That’s the truth the pushers of the systemic racism myth fight to conceal. They do not want revelation to flood the minds of the downtrodden and left behind. They would rather those individuals stay in their deceived state, so they can claim that the myth of systemic racism is real.
It is not. The truth is that we are not victims. We are empowered for greatness.
Also Mr. Crenshaw, I’m gonna start sharing some of your columns on Twitter to my followers. I hope you don’t mind. I just think that many of my followers would like to read your writing.
The column was fantastic Mr. Crenshaw. I want you to know how much I appreciate your writing. I think that many Americans, myself included, have been deeply disturbed by the racial ideology that is being whole heartedly accepted by a large swath of the country. We must stand together as Americans and speak out against the bonds that have shackled the minds of so many. There are so many of us that truly believe that we are not making progress; we are moving backwards. And the only way to move forward is to scrutinize the current dogma that is being put forth by both the left and the right. Thank you for your thoughts and insight on this topic.