A New York Times guest essay argued that instead of attempting to fix a “broken” constitution, liberals should find other means to enact policy.
In other words, since this document was written by old white slave holders, it is not reflective of a “modern” society.
That is what the liberals and progressives want us to believe.
The real reason why liberals and progressives want to bypass the constitution is because it places limits on the power of government.
The constitution limits the power that those who want to control our lives can have.
In a true constitutional republic, political power rests with the individual. The individual then confers that authority to others who represent their interests.
In a communist or socialistic government, the state has all of the power and restricts the freedoms of the individual.
Authority rests with the state instead of the individual.
Liberals and Progressives have been on a long march through American institutions. Subverting them from within.
Yet, this pesky document, that is the world’s longest surviving written charter, keeps them from fully realizing their vision.
This vision is of a utopia without restraint.
In this fake-believe world, any evil or debased thing one can imagine will be allowed. As long as it is state approved.
Why do you think drag queen story hour is celebrated, but prayer in school is not?
The reason is because just like the Bible should constrain us to the will of God, the Constitution constrains government to the will of the people.
Sinners hate the Bible because it highlights the darkness in their lives.
Liberals and Progressives hate the Constitution because it is founded upon the truth of the Bible.
The heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked.