The Montgomery Brawl highlights the preeminence of race identity in the black community
This is what happens when Culture > GOD
The First Commandment says,
“You shall have no other gods before Me” (Exodus 20:3 AMP).
The Second Commandment says,
“You shall not make for yourself any idol, or any likeness (form, manifestation) of what is in heaven above on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth [as an object to worship] (Exodus 20:4 AMP)
While I knew that racial orthodoxy was the dominant stream in the black community, nothing reinforced that notion more than the reaction to the Montgomery brawl.
In certain parts of the digital space, where black folks typically reside, you would have thought we had just witnessed the second coming of Christ.
People were treating this as if it was the best day of their life.
Mind you, these were people that more than likely were thousands of miles away from the actual event.
The visceral reaction to the video was understandable.
Even I found myself upset by how the white boaters jumped the Black co-captain.
It was wrong. Period.
And I’m glad that justice is being served for those who participated in the event.
Yet, the jubilation I have seen openly expressed across cyberspace is disappointing.
I say disappointing because it shows me that the majority of black people have bought into the lie that they are only defined by their skin tone.
That because they have more melanin in their skin and they come from a different set of parents, that the only value they have in life is their blackness.
It’s this thought that has kept the black community in bondage to the whims of the groups and individuals who use racial grievance to further their cause of dismantling America.
Now, I would expect non-believers in Christ to respond in said manner.
They do not have knowledge of the saving power of Christ. They have not been made brand new in Christ.
They are not aware of Acts 17:26 or Galatians 3:28.
I get their reaction.
But the reaction of so-called Christians is so disheartening.
Take for example, Rickey Smiley. He is a well-known comedian who claims to be a Christian.
Yet, his reaction to this video was not one that would align with scripture.
Jesus says “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God.” (Matthew 5:9 NKJV)
As believers, we should be agents of peace. Why do you think the Holy Spirit through Paul admonished us to shod our feet with the gospel of peace?
Also, as believers we know that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood.
Our fellow man is not our enemy.
Our enemy is the spirit behind the men that decided to attack the co-captain.
We cannot fix racism by being racist.
Yet, unfortunately the toxic fumes that have been emitted by the media have started to poison the hearts of many so-called Christians in the black community.
Christians rejoicing over a group of white people who tried that in a small town and reaped the consequences.
Until the black community sees itself higher than the skin we are in, the community as a whole will never rise up out of the gutter.
It will continue to descend into the abyss of mediocrity and victimhood.
I for one would rather hold on to my lifeline instead of sinking to the bottom.