As a supposedly devout Christian, why is Stephen Curry supporting a candidate that wants more children to not live in the Black Community?
It’s because he is more of a Cultural Christian than a Biblical one.
True Biblical Christianity sees the world through a Biblical lens.
Cultural Christians view the world through the lens of what is the most profitable and beneficial for them.
That’s why they do not take stances on issues that would hurt their bottom line.
Steph Curry didn’t come and forcefully defend the bathroom bill in North Carolina that would have prevented men from entering women’s bathrooms.
He has not come out and forcefully defended the right of women when it comes to women’s sports.
Yet, he says that reproductive choice is the number one issue for him?
No, keeping the cash flow coming is his number one issue.
SMH. And Mr. Crenshaw, we deserve a longer deeper analysis. Or you owe me $4
It is doubtful Curry is any kind of Christian... cultural or bibilcal.