Bryon Donalds is a rising star in the Republican Party.
He was nominated for Speaker of the House and he is on the short list of VP choices, according to various media outlets.
He is also one of the few Black Republicans with enough credibility to actually speak to the Black Community regarding conservative values.
This past week, he was in Philadelphia speaking to black voters.
During this meeting, he made the comment that black families were better off during Jim Crow than they are today.
This set off the usual race hustlers who want to use anything said by a Republican to paint Donald Trump as racist.
But, is Byron Donalds right?
What I think is sadly ironic, is that the Democrats came up with Jim Crowe and then beguiled the black community into thinking they repealed/defeated it - while only rebranding and repackaging it to keep it firmly in place. The new plantations are the destitute and crime ridden inner cities, where black political leaders and race baiters are happy to keep working class blacks trapped in. The imposed struggles (just to house and feed a family) are the currency these new overseers trade in. The chains of the new enslavement are far worse than the ones of old, because you can't see these and you're convinced they are to your benefit, a cultural truth and a right.
Those who tell blacks they are being oppressed by the white, conservative, Christian, nationalists are the same democrats & black leaders who've denied working impoverished blacks funding for community improvements, for decades - BUT they miraculously find hundreds of millions of dollars, to feed, cloth, house, pay (UBI) the invading illegals AND educate their kids as well. In many cases using the taxes collected from the ignored and neglected blacks, to hire teachers that speak the native language of the illegals children attending schools, blacks were kicked out of.
Now, I have no idea if blacks were better off under Jim Crowe. To truly know, I'd think you have to ask an objective black person, who lived in both times in order to get an accurate opinion.
However, judging by just the last 4 years - not to mention the last 20 or 30 - I'd have to say Jim Crowe is alive and well and being administered by the same people, that started it in the first place-White, progressive, democrat liberals.
The common thread that has stretched through their history is - They have no doubt, that they know what's best for the black man, woman and family and anyone who says different - even if they are black - must be shouted down and destroyed, or else they threaten the money and power streams they've had in place for centuries.
Byron Donalds is one of the rare leaders, that has emerged in this time. I'd actually love to see him as the VP pick, simply based on his no-nonsense, common sense and strong stance on the issues. That he is a black man who can and will change the narrative and conditions in the black community is all the more reason.
Regarding family structure compared to after. YES. 100%