In order for something to continue to exist, it has to be spoken of consistently so that it becomes a part of a personal or national ethos.
Take racism for example.
Now, racism will always be with us, just like the poor.
Most people are poor because of the wrong mindset.
Most people are racist in a similar fashion.
Their minds have been conformed to believe that they should hate someone simply because they look different than them.
And who profits off of this racial animus, the same people who claim to be acting on the behalf of minorities.
These people create the problem, then swoop in with a progressive, governmental solution that only alienates Americans.
The segregation of Americans based solely upon external characteristics, is demeaning and insulting.
Yet, progressive policies inflict this harm on a constant basis.
It’s not until the government does this one thing, that we can begin to see each other as humans first and Americans secondly.
What is it?
Remove the need to track race at the federal and state level.
Why does the federal government need to know how many black DBAs work at Bank of America?
Why do state governments need to know how many white female accountants work at Ernst and Young?
If we remove race, how will the government be able to govern the polis or the people?
This can be done the way it was done prior to the Equal Opportunity Commission.
By celebrating the ethnicity of each American, not the “race”.
Race has been used as a wedge issue to keep us at odds with one another.
The Marxists and Communists who want to overthrow the system of government in America, use the atrocities of the past to justify racial hatred in the present.
Yet, there is no other country on earth where future success is not based on the conditions or environment of birth.
In America, opportunity is available for those who are willing to pay the price of success.
By emphasizing race over agency, the government is predetermining who wins and who loses.
That’s un-American.
That’s un-Biblical.