Christ-less Conservatism is now running the Republican Party
Is there a place for Biblical Conservatives?
Ever since the election of Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party appeared to be the Party of the Biblical or Christian Conservative.
Through the Moral Majority led by the efforts of Jerry Falwell, Phyllis Schlafly, and others this was the Party of those who believe in the Sanctity of Life, the Sanctity of Biblical Marriage, and Religious Freedom.
The Republican Party always could bank on a perceived moral high-ground over the Democratic Party.
But, something happened in 2016.
Donald Trump won the Republican Nomination and ultimately the presidency.
He did so with the reluctant support of Evangelicals and those who stand for Biblical Principles.
And, to his credit, Trump followed through with his promises by nominating judges who ultimately overturned the stain of Roe v. Wade, through the Dobbs’ decision.
Yet, even though there were supposed victories for us who vote according to the Word of God, I began to notice a subtle shift in the Republican Party.
No longer were true adherents to long-standing biblical truth at the fore-front of the party.
The likes of Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, Eric Metaxas among others began to receive larger and more prominent platforms in the MAGA movement.
Disgraced Televangelists like Paula White started to become more and more ubiquitous.
Rising stars such as Kari Lake began to openly embrace same-sex marriage and even hosted drag queens at their house.
Former First-Lady Melania Trump holds campaign rallies with the Log Cabin Republicans.
This is when I realized the rise of Christ-less Conservatism had begun to be the dominant force within the Republican Party.
With the recent changes to the Republican Party Platform, it is now EVIDENT, that Christ-less Conservatism is running the Republican Party.
Gone from the GOP Platform is the explicit call for a federal abortion ban.
Gone from the GOP Platform is the explicit mention of marriage between a man and a woman.
Instead of Biblical Truth being the basis of the GOP Platform, it is now Common Sense that drives the GOP Platform.
So, where does this leave Biblical Conservatives?
Should Biblical Conservatives sit-out the election? Should Biblical Conservatives now abandon the Republican Party?
Personally, I have always advocated that Christians may affiliate with a party, but our allegiance is to Jesus Christ.
However, if neither party is worthy of our affiliation, then it may be time to become unaffiliated.
That doesn’t mean we detach ourselves from the political process.
On the contrary, we are now operating from a position where our votes must be earned and not assumed.
We get involved to elect representatives who stand for Biblical Truth, regardless of political expediency.
Because Biblical Truth TRUMPS political compromise.